Married Couple in the Yucatan Poses for Portrait

Documenting Family History is a Luxury...

In early 2023, as I embarked on a humanitarian trip with a dedicated group, my role as the photographer allowed me to witness the intimate lives of countless families. While immersing myself in their homes, a poignant realization struck me: the absence of family portraits. These humble abodes, filled with warmth and love, lacked the visual representation of cherished memories. It was disheartening to see the absence of these precious mementos, with only a handful of families proudly displaying faded but endearing wedding photos that had weathered the test of time.

To comprehend that capturing precious family moments might not be accessible to everyone was a humbling revelation. It stirred deep within me an unwavering determination to make a difference. And thus, Aub's Family Photos was born. Since its inception, this endeavor has not only allowed me to pursue my passion for photography but has also unveiled the true purpose behind my motivations: to forge connections.

Through Aub's Family Photos, our mission is to grant families the gift of documenting their lives, loved ones, and personal histories. We strive to establish genuine bonds with these families, engaging with them on a profound level to learn about their unique stories. In doing so, we also find opportunities to extend our assistance beyond the realm of photography, eager to provide support in any way we can during our encounters.

Yet, the beauty of these events transcends photography alone. As we engage with the kids we meet, we discover the joy of imparting a new skill set that may inspire them to pursue photography themselves or explore other artistic endeavors. It is often through extending kindness and sharing our knowledge that we find solace and healing in the act of healing others. The profound impact that simple acts of kindness can have on our minds is truly extraordinary.

Driven by an unyielding passion, we continue to seek out individuals and communities in need, aiming to lift spirits and leave a lasting positive impact wherever we go. These families we meet along the way transform into lifelong friends, and the blessings we receive are abundant in every direction. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who join us on this journey, as together, we strive to make the world a better place, one click of the camera at a time.

Connection is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be human. As social beings, we yearn for meaningful relationships that bring us joy, support, and a sense of belonging. Family portraits, with their ability to capture the essence of our loved ones, play a significant role in fostering and enhancing those feelings of connection. They become a tangible representation of the bonds we share, reminding us of the cherished moments and memories that make our family unique. Whether displayed on the walls of our homes or shared with friends and extended family, these portraits have the power to evoke warmth and nostalgia, strengthening the ties that bind us. Investing in family portraits is not merely a recognition of the importance of preserving our legacy, but also a celebration of the love, laughter, and togetherness that we hold dear.

Aubrey Brower
President, Photographer