Have You Ventured Here From TikTok?


All gifts will be given to families that Aubs Family Photos is working with in Mexico.

Hey World,

It honestly feels like that is what TikTok provided me when I finally gave in and began using it the way it was meant to be used. For connection. TikTok gave me the world.

I have been very quiet the last few months with some pretty serious medical things. One was expected and then one was a BIG surprise, causing me to have to accept my reality, STOP, and take the time to heal.

However, I am finally on the mend and will walk without a boot soon! So it is time to tune back in. To walk closer to those vibrations of connection I was diving into a few months ago.

During my leave, I spent a lot of time alone, eventually leading me to spend a lot more time on TikTok. I joined an agency and was able to get live access. Fast forward to today, and I have met some INCREDIBLE people.

One person, in particular, has inspired me to examine how I tap into this beautiful opportunity for connection. With the entire WORLD!

At the end of this month, June 27th, my new friend and I will be going head to head for a rematch Agency Battle on Tiktok. This time there is a twist! Both of us will be donating our gifts to purchase 3 wheelchairs for families that Aubs Family Photos works with. But there is something more! My opponent has told his team that he will match whatever his gift amount is with a donation from his pocket!

So I’ll finally get to the point, I am here looking for other dreamers, who want to come out, have fun supporting me during the battle, and see what kind of numbers we can put up on BOTH sides. Seeing 3 people get wheelchairs as the result of a TikTok battle would SERIOUSLY make my year!

Follow me on TikTok here. Let’s chat about how you can help us have the most amazing TikTok battle anyone has ever seen!


Aubs Family Photos Takes off in 20 Days!