Aubs Family Photos Flagship Project

Merida & Seye Mexico

June 2023

In June of 2023, we embarked on a thrilling adventure as we set sail on our very first Aubs Family Photos Project in the stunning region of Yucatan. The excitement and nervous anticipation were palpable, as it was our inaugural project and we had to meticulously plan everything remotely from the states. It was a leap of faith, as we had to trust the individuals we were collaborating with to share in our vision and help us execute this endeavor, despite never having met them in person. Fortunately, our faith in these individuals was unwavering, as they turned out to be extraordinary people who quickly became lifelong friends.
For two months leading up to the project, we tirelessly reached out to our communities, asking for donations and support to fund our mission to serve the people of Yucatan. We had not obtained non-profit status at that time, and acquiring funds proved to be an arduous task. However, we learned firsthand that perseverance and unwavering determination can lead to great achievements. Through our collective efforts, we raised enough resources to travel to the Yucatan and provide assistance to nearly 30 families.
As we embarked on this remarkable journey, we carried with us three large suitcases brimming with clothes, shoes, and a few other essentials. Each family had the privilege of selecting items that they could use, ensuring that not only would they have cherished photographs, but also tangible gifts to enhance their daily lives. The resulting photographs were nothing short of breathtaking, evoking immeasurable joy and gratitude from the families. It became apparent to us that this unique approach to serving others allowed us to not only utilize our photographic skills but also leave behind a lasting, heartfelt reminder for our newfound friends to admire on their walls for years to come.
During our time together, we discovered that many of these families harbored unmet needs, often delayed due to financial constraints. This sparked an idea within us: to take more time to understand each family's circumstances before our arrival and identify areas where we could extend our support. With this newfound knowledge, we began to find ways to help them with as many of these needs as we could continuing even after we left. The success and impact of our first trip cemented our belief that this compassionate endeavor needed to go on. Thus, upon our return, plans were set into motion to take Aub’s Family Photos and turn it into a non-profit of its own. Giving the cause a more impactful platform for change.

Below is a gallery of the images we took during our stay. Please take a moment to view the happiness that was flowing from these families.


Time to Blossom